michael naimark

My Google "Feeling Lucky" List (What?)
Updated Aug 2016

"activists, poets, and saints"
Alan Lomax's multimedia dream
art exploring real-time connectedness
“artist intervention” site:nytimes.com
art versus technology
aspenization (#3)
be now here (#7 of 780M)
"best comment ever" site:interactive.usc.edu
camera zapper
consumer immersive viewer (#1 of 10M)
fast cheap gigapixel images
feeling lucking list
how to flickrize google earth
Ifugao question journal
interactive art bad idea
live global video (#1 of 300M)
moviemap (#4)
one earth model (#1 of 45M) (NEW!)
open patent protection (#1 of 55M)
"peter sellars" art toothpaste (#4)
"place representation"
"place runs deep"
presence and abstraction (#2 of 27M)
projected living room spray painted white
"realspace imaging"
"representation equals control" (#3)
sensory anomalies
source-based alerts
spacecode camera
talking head projection
"time binoculars" (NEW!)
truth, beauty, freedom, and money
usc movie tagger
usc viewfinder
"vr webcam" (#4)
where are the anthropologists (#1 of 5M)


vr today (#1 of 120M) (2015)
symmetrical media (2015)
representing earth (#2 of 140M) (2015)
panoramic tiling (#2) (2015)
academic art and technology (#1 of 300M results) (2015)
live bits (2014)
propagation engine
dimensionalization (2009)
artslab (2008)
"maps are power" (#2, 2006)

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