Aspen Moviemap
The first interactive moviemap was produced at MIT in the late 1970s
of Aspen, Colorado. A gyroscopic stabilizer with 16mm stop-frame
cameras was mounted on top of a camera car and a fifth wheel with
an encoder triggered the cameras every 10 feet. Filming took place
daily between 10 AM and 2 PM to minimize lighting discrepancies.
The camera car carefully drove down the center of the street for
registered match-cuts. In addition to the basic "travel"
footage, panoramic camera experiments, thousands of still frames,
audio, and data were collected. The playback system required several
laserdisc players, a computer, and a touch screen display. Very
wide-angle lenses were used for filming, and some attempts at orthoscopic
playback were made.
Lippman, Andrew, "Movie-maps: An application of the optical videodisc to computer graphics," Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, Seattle, Washington, United States, 1980, pp. 32–42.Exhibitions
Architecture Machine Group & Media Laboratory demo, M.I.T.,
1979 - (ongoing)
The Aspen Moviemap began as an idea by MIT undergraduate Peter Clay,
in collaboration with graduate students Bob Mohl and me. Peter "movemapped"
the hallways of MIT in early 1978, as the second videodisc demo
made by the Architecture Machine Group.
The Aspen Moviemap was filmed in the fall of 1978, in winter 1979,
and briefly again (with an active gyro stabilizer) in the fall of
1979. Many people were involved in the production, most notably:
Nicholas Negroponte (Architecture Machine Director, who found support
from the Cybernetics Technology Office of DARPA), Andy Lippman (Principal
Investigator), Bob Mohl (who wrote his PhD dissertation based on
it), Ricky Leacock (MIT Film/Video head), John Borden (Peace River
Films), Kristina Hooper (UCSC), and people from the Architecture
Machine Group, including Rebecca Allen, Scott Fisher, Walter Bender,
Steve Gregory (faculty), and Stan Syzaki. Many more people at ArcMac
were involved after production, including Steve Yelick, Paul Heckbert,
and Ken Carson. I was at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies
and was responsible for cinematography design and production.