Michael Naimark <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 00:54:56 -0500
To: "<friends and colleagues>"

Dear friends and colleagues,, the post-Interval webcam venture you've heard me mention, has launched a beta version. It addresses a unique problem shared by webcams and other live media: finding interesting events as they happen. Our solution is based on people alerting other people.

We've developed a "HotNow Button," that people press when they see something interesting, and a "HotNow List," that links to the top ranked HotNow sites. Pressing the HotNow Button counts as a big vote, linking to a site from the HotNow List counts as a small vote, and time decays all values. The rest is math. Our system updates every ten seconds, so things quickly propagate up or fall off. We're convinced nothing like it currently exists on the Web.

We're concentrating our tests daily between 11am and 1pm Pacific Time. Please check it out. The more the merrier.


PS - Kundi is Swahili for flocking, swarming, and herding.