michael naimark
Paris VideoPlan

Paris VideoPlan was commissioned by the RATP (Paris Metro) to map the Madeleine district of Paris from the point-of-view of walking down the sidewalk. It was filmed with a stop-frame 35mm camera mounted on an electric cart, filming one frame every 2 meters. An encoder was attached to one of the cart's axles. Rather than filming all the turn possibilities at each intersection, a mime was employed to stand in each intersection and simply point in the possible turn directions. The idea was to substitute the perceptual continuity of actual match-cuts with cinematic continuity. The playback system was built in a kiosk and exhibited in the Madeleine Metro Station.

Video (1 min)


Paris Metro Madeleine Station, Paris, 1986 - 1988


Director of Production: Michael Naimark

Associate Producer: Martine Vigouroux

Consulting Collaborator: Bob Mohl

Performer: Blanca del Barrio

Produced by the RATP (Paris Metro).