michael naimark


Kundi.com was a spin-off venture from Paul Allen's Interval Research Corporation. It began in 1999 as a fast-track research project to explore interesting commercial opportunities relating initially to webcams, whose usage had begun to explode. We found that webcams and streaming media had a search problem unique for the Web: time. Search engines were not equipped to find events as they happen. We developed an alert infrastructure, whereby people can alert other people in real time to encourage propagation. Kundi means flocking, herding, or swarming in Swahili.

When Interval closed its doors in April 2000, Kundi was one of the projects that continued to receive support. We launched a beta site in February 2001 and demonstrated the concept, but in April 2001 our support stopped.

Between 2003 and 2004, all three patents were allowed. The patents are for quantifying, normalizing, and alerting items of current interest via a network. They include any item, not only video or streaming media (e.g., recent blog entries, info about parties, sales events); and any network, not only Web or Internet (e.g., mobile phones). Central to the IP is the “hot now” button, i.e., a means by which users can send out conscious and explicit “this is hot now” signals.

Our vision statement can be found here.

As we say: It's very Warhol.


Michael Naimark, Instigator

Stephen DeBerry, Founding CEO

Core Team: David Lubensky, Ignazio Moresco, Camille Norment, Veronica Rocha, Emily Weil

Principle Advisors: Aviv Bergman, Baldo Faieta

Consultants: Diane Schiano, Rob Shaw, Meg Withgott


June 2006: Provisional patent application filed for "Hardware-embedded alert and feedback system for items of current interest via a network," moving the alert button and feedback system from being web-based to being camera based.

Jan 2008: "Propagation Engine" file posted on USC Stevens Institute for Innovation website.

Dec 2008: "Source-Based Alert When Streaming Media is of Current Interest" USC patent app is now online.

Oct 2010: Kundi video scenario is #1 (of 100,000,000) on Google searches for live global video.

Nov 2010: The time to relaunch may have finally come. New proposal.

Dec 2010: USC patent allowed (pub no 20080320159).

Apr 2011: USC patent issued (US patent no 7,930,420).